Monday, October 1, 2007

St. Matthew's Homecoming Gala & Silent Auction - October 7, 2007

Hi. Since my website isn't ready yet I have decided to start blogging so I can share with you some things that have been going on. This weekend on October 7th is the St. Matthew's Homecoming Gala & Charity Auction that my past clients Kevin & Julie W. and their daughter "R" belong to. I photographed this great family over a year ago and love that we still keep in touch. She was telling me about her school and how they are having their first Charity Auction so I offered to donate a family session and an 11x14 heirloom print. It will be exciting to meet the family who wins and I'll post them here when I find out!

Another way the families of St. Matthew's can give back to the school is to sign up for my Christmas Card Special on October 27th. By participating they will receive a $25 check made out to St. Matthew's Christian Education! See auction bulletin insert below.

I have a lot more to share with you so keep checking back!

Madison Christopher