Monday, November 12, 2007

It's Coming

Well we have had our first snow here in Michigan and the stores are all gearing up for Christmas. I even found an hour to go find my kids their Christmas Best outfits - something I never had done before. My son was always dressed nicely but this year I went all out. I got him really nice dress pants, sweater vest and red tie. My daughter a red deep rich red velvet dress. They are going to look as cute as the kids I photograph. So you can say I'm getting in the holiday mood myself. How can I not right - with all these fun Winter/Christmas sessions. Here are a few from recent ones. More to come.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Madison: I have directed several friend and family to your blog to see Lydia's pictures. Responses have been "awesome, beautiful, really captured Lydia's personality, creative, original,"... Thanks for posting our girl, it makes us feel very special. Loraine