Monday, March 10, 2008

At VGallery in Morton, Illinois

Isn't this a crazy picture! This is called a Ring Flash and it is ubber cool looking. Another attendee took a picture of Vicki Taufer taking a picture of me during a 3 day long workshop a few weeks ago. It was a great experience and Vicki showed us her different photography styles by taking pictures of all the photographers who attended. It was also very insightful for us to know what our clients feel like when they are behind our cameras.

Her studio was jaw dropping and it was great to study with her. I love photography for my never ending quest to learn more and love how other photographers are so willing to share with others what works for them. You can light a subject so many different ways, and it is always cool to see what another really successful photographer does. I feel like a kid in a giant candy store when I get to play with other peoples lenses, light modifiers and see their studios. I plan on paying it forward a little bit down the road.

Burrr... it was fAra-Eezing out! Below is a picture of our "Selling the Experience" group. I am on the left in the white dress. Thanks to the Vgallery Vlog for this picture.

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